How to Identify and Reduce WiFi Signal Jamming
As the number of wireless devices in the environment continues to increase, wireless signal Jamming becomes an issue that affects connection stability and overall performance, so it is important to understand what is causing the wifi signal Jamming so that you can effectively reduce it and enhance wireless performance.
Wi-Fi technology can use 2.4 GHz or 5.0 GHz transmission bandwidth. Bluetooth only uses 2.4 GHz transmission bandwidth.
Because this bandwidth is also shared by many home and office devices at the same time, some devices may need to be rearranged to reduce interference from competing devices.
Some signs that you may be experiencing interference:
Intermittent wireless connection
Unable to pair bluetooth device correctly
Slow performance of one device while the other is in use
Decreased wireless signal strength within normal distance of router
Slower download and upload speeds
If you can effectively find the cause and take action, it is possible to reduce disturbances in your environment.
To identify the individual devices in your environment using the 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz bandwidth, you need to examine the specifications of each electronic device. Note that while these devices may not list bandwidth, if they are listed as "Bluetooth", "Wi-Fi" or "Wireless" devices, they are using these radio frequencies. Here are some common devices that may cause interference:
Micro-wave oven
cordless phone
direct satellite service
Certain external power sources, such as wires, rails, and power stations
Wi-Fi camera
baby monitor
two-way radio
Construction materials used in your building may also cause wifi signal interference. The following diagrams help lay out routers and devices:
In addition to competing signal interference, other hardware and even natural environment elements can interfere with signal reception/transmission. Some common and less common environmental factors to consider are as follows:
Electrical load center (fuse box or electrical conduit)
Metal panels/sheets in roofs or walls, including stucco battens in facades
Sunspots/Solar Activity
To reduce wifi signal jamming with your wireless network, make sure to reduce the number of devices in your area. Alternatively, you can try another wireless channel with less traffic. To increase wireless bandwidth, you need to be aware of interference issues when laying out your workspace.